三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
【 A 】
Fitness Zone
Special offer
To be in excellent condition this summer with your wonderful equipment(设备、器材) and a tailor-made(量身定制)program made specially for you by one of our best personal trainers.
If you’re having a difficult time getting active, Fitness Zone is where you want to be.
With a personal trainer assigned(指定)to you, you will be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.
With our program, you will get the full benefits of:
Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry.
The use of the best fitness equipment, including free weights, treadmills and bikes.
Ongoing group classes, from aerobics(有氧健身操)and yoga to dance exercise and more.
So come for a free consultation(咨询)and get started today!
Don’t miss out!
Offer is good until this Friday.
610 St. George Street, Suite 310, Chicago
Tel:655-4866 Web: fitnesszone.com
31. Who can choose to join Fitness Zone?
A. People who want to keep fit.
B. People who are good at training others.
C. People who need a tailor-made suit.
D. People who have health problems.
32. How long will the program probably last?
A. 12 weeks B. Until this Friday
C. Just one day D. One summer time
33. What is NOT offered in the advertisement?
A. Group yoga classes B. The best fitne ss equipment.
C. Special fitness clothes D. A personal trainer.
34. How can I contact Fitness Zone if I feel like joining it?
A. By phone B. By Internet C. Through the address D.All of above
35. What’s the aim of the passage?
A. To hire top personal trainers. B. To ask more people to do sports
C. To ask people to join Fitness Zone. D. To encourage people get through difficult times
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