


摘要:复习与学习一样都需要讲究方式方法,威廉希尔app 小编整理了毕节中考模拟试题,来帮助同学们备战中考,在中考中发挥正常的水平!

一、语音 (10分)



[ ]1.A.windy    B.find     C.kind    D.mind

[ ]2.A.shoe    B.whose    C.move    D.no

[ ]3.A.interupt  B.else     C.silent   D.movement

[ ]4.A.another   B.answer    C.apologize D.among

[ ]5.A.care    B.dare     C.hare    D.are

[ ]6.A.sky     B.yet     C.yours   D.yellow

[ ]7.A.exhibition B.box      C.example  D.fix

[ ]8.A.thought   B.enough    C.cough    D.laugh

[ ]9.A.when    B.why      C.where   D.whole

[ ]10.A.question  B.revolution  C.liberation D.relation



[ ]1.rubbish       A.more than

[ ]2.a lot of      B.say nothing

[ ]3.wonderful      C.many

[ ]4.hardly       D.great

[ ]5.fear        E.almost not

[ ]6.dirty        F.after that

[ ]7.finally       G.be afraid of

[ ]8.over        H.not clean

[ ]9.keep silent     I.waste things

[ ]10.from then on    J.at last

三、选择填空 (20分)


[ ]1.He asked me _________ I thought of the bike.

A.what    B.how    C.that    D.as

[ ]2.I'm sure _________ they'll have a wonderful time.

A.if     B.when   C.that    D.which

[ ]3.You must think hard _________ you answer the question.

A.if     B.since   C.before   D.while

[ ]4.Mr. Brown together with his friends _________ just have

arrived in Beijing.

A.has     B.have    C.had    D.do

[ ]5.Neither girl _________ from Japan.

A.come    B.comes   C.coming  D.comed

[ ]6._________ beautiful weather we are having!

A.How    B.How a    C.What    D.What a

[ ]7.You have to go to work on Sunday, _________?

A.haven't you             B.won't you

C.don't you              D.mustn't you

[ ]8."_________ a week do you watch TV?" "Twice."

A.How long              B.How often

C.How soon              D.How many times

[ ]9.She _________ Mr. Whiite for two years.

A.has marriied            B.has married to

C.has been married with        D.has been married to

[ ]10.Don't open the door until the car _________.

A.stopped               B.will stop

C.had stopped             D.has stopped

[ ]11.Barbara seems _________ where she is.

A.to knowing B.knowing C.to know   D.knew

[ ]12.Where did you get your radio _________?

A.fix     B.to fix  C.fixing   D.fixed

[ ]13.She is too shy to sing _________ public.

A.in     B.to    C.at     D.by

[ ]14."Your answer is right," my teacher said _________ a smile.

A.with    B.for   C.to     D.on

[ ]15.He was warned _________ the danger.

A.with    B.to    C.of     D.for

[ ]16.She is going to work hard _________ Engliish this


A.out     B.on    C.at     D.in

[ ]17.This novel is _________ instructive than that one.

A.a few more             B.a little more

C.less more              D.mucher

[ ]18.Kate is _________ European and I am __________


A.an ... a               B.a ... a

C.an ... an              D.a ... an

[ ]19.He always gives us _________ on how to learn


A.some advices             B.any advice

C.many advice             D.much advice

[ ]20.Is this a _________ place to swim?

A.safe     B.safety   C.save   D.savely


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