不断努力学习,丰富自己的知识,下面是威廉希尔app 中考频道为大家整理的中考英语复习试题的相关内容,希望对大家有帮助。
1.There are about two million trees on the hill.
2.Which river is wider,the Yellow River or the Nile River?
3.Hong Kong is newer than Shanghai,but it's smaller.
4.Is it possible to finish the work in a week?
5.Can you tell me how to_pronounce the word?
Shanghai,on the east 6.coast(海岸) of China,is the biggest 7.city(城市) in the country.Its 8.population(人口) is 13 million.Shanghai is on the Huangpu 9.River(江).There are many beautiful 10.parks(公园),like the Yu Yuan Gardens.Pudong is the newest part of Shanghai,with lots of tall 11.buildings(建筑),like the 468metrehigh Oriental Pearl Tower.Putuoshan is a small 12.island(岛) in the East China 13.Sea(海),near Shanghai.
Dianshanhu 14.Lake(湖) is in the Qingpu District,in the western part of Shanghai.It is bigger than West Lake in Hangzhou.It is also popular with tourists.Behind it is the old town of Zhujiajiao.There is a high 15.hill(山) in this old town,called North Hill.There are 36 very old bridges across the rivers here.It is a very interesting place to visit.
Dear Mum,
I don't think you understood my life.You think I should keep __16__ (study) all the time.I know you want me to __17__ a good job when I grow up,but I would like __18__ (have) a wonderful time,too.You never think about fun things for me to do like music,sports.Two days ago,when I was watching a football game __19__ TV,you asked me to stop and do my homework.After __20__ (finish) my homework,still I wasn't __21__ (allow) to read my football magazines.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad.Especially yesterday was the __22__ (bad) day.I bought some CDs,and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I know it was __23__ to lie to you.But after you knew the __24__ (true),you told Dad.Mum,I didn't quite like __25__ you did to me!I really love you,Mum,but I wish you could give me some freedom.
16.studying 17.find/get 18.to_have 19.on
20.finishing 21.allowed 22.worst 23.wrong
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