



2014 is the year of horse in China .Do you know anything about the horse ?

The horse is strong and runs very fast .He’s a useful and hard-working animal .The horse learns to know his master(主人)soon . He loves his master ,even after his master has died .Here’s a story about such a horse .In a war ,the master was killed ,and fell from his horse .When his body was found some days later ,the horse was still standing beside it .During that long time ,the horse didn’t leave the body of his master ,without food or water ,in the coldest weather ,driving away the birds that might eat it .Wasn’t be a great animal ?

(    )64. The horse is a       animal to man .[

A. strange   B. lazy   C. useful   D. small

(    )65. When the body of the master was found ,the horse was       .

A. going away  B. eating grass beside it  C. drinking water D. still standing beside it


A. Maybe we have to take a taxi             B. We’d take a lot of money with us .

C. What about going out for fun ?            D. Have they already gone to the Expo Garden ?

E. Let’s start early .                        F. Don’t forget to take your camera .

G. Have you ever been to the Expo Garden ?

A: It's said the weather would be fine tomorrow .

B:Yes .   66

A:Great !Where do you want to go ?

B:Let me see .   67  .

A:No, but my parents went there last week . They had a great time and thought highly of it .

B:OK ,then let’s go to the Expo Garden ,and we can enjoy the wonderful scenery there .

A:Great !  68  .

B:Of course I won’t .

A:But how shall we get there ?

B:I don’t know the way .  69  .

A:That costs too much ! Wait ,I’ll ask my mother to drive us there .

B:Then when shall we leave ?

A:  70   My parents told me we’d stay there the whole day to have fun .

B:So let’s make it 8 o’clock tomorrow morning .

A:All right ,see you then

66.           67.          68.          69.          70.


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