For any street dancer , shoes are important .Any pair of shoes that produce the slightest sound can destroy the performance .So they need a pair of shoes that allow them to move freely.
In fact ,street dancers’ clothing has to be something that allows for a lot of comfort and that shows personalities .The two points are important for any street dancer .Without those things ,it is difficult for street dancers to perform well and show their personalities .What do you think about the clothing style of street dancers ?Maybe you like it or maybe you don’t .Anyway ,people have different ideas of beauty .
( )59. Clothes worn by men street dancers .
A. always include a small and cool T-shirt
B.are always made up of Capri pants and knee-high socks
C. are different from those worn by women dancers
D. are the same as those worn by popular singers
( )60. According to this passage the street dancers’ shoes should be .
A. free from making any sound B. cheap rather than comfortable
C. those that could make pleasant sounds D. paid less attention to for they are not important
( )61. Which can best describe a street dancer’s clothing ?
A. Anything is OK if it is for him B. Everything should be made by hand.
C. The more expensive ,the better it is . D. Comfort and personalities make perfect
( )62. What’s the best title for the passage ?
A. Fashionable Clothing Styles B. Clothing Shows Personalities
C. Important Points for Street Dancers D. Street Dancing Clothing
( )63. Which isn’t right according to this passage ?
A. Different people have different ideas of beauty .
B. Street dancers’ clothing should be comfortable and should show personalities .
C. There is a large difference between the tops that men and women wear .For men ,they often wear tank tops .However ,for women ,they often wear a large T-shirt with probably a jacket at times .
D.Clothes those street dancers wear show their personalities and clothing style .
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