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每学完一个单元的时候,就要多做一些同步练习。这样才能更有效的巩固自己学过的知识,威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了关于一年级英语基础测试题答案同步练习,供同学们学习参考!

Vocabulary (20 marks)

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (20*1=20 marks)

( ) 1. Put on your __________. The sun is shining


A. cap           B. hat

C. umbrella      D. helmet

( ) 2. The puppy is hiding in its ____________.

A. burrow       B. kennel       C. hutch          D. hut

( ) 3. The ___________ of thunder frightened the children.

A. rumbling     B. crying       C. shouting       D. screaming

( ) 4. Don‘t __________ your teacher as she is busy.

A. disturb      B. attract      C. help           D. assist

( ) 5. Donald took a __________ to school.

A. bus           B. lorry

C. truck         D. train

( ) 6. She was really __________ to have survived the crash.

A. silly        B. lucky        C. foolish        D. silly

( ) 7. This pen is too __________. I cannot afford it.

A. cheap        B. expensive    C. tiny           D. huge

( ) 8. The elephant has two white ____________.

A. trunks         B. tusks

C. sticks         D. wands

( ) 9. Some people believe in the existence of flying


A. saucers        B. plates

C. bowls          D. trays

( ) 10. Lily enjoys ___________.

A. papers        B. beads

C. cards         D. chess

( ) 11. It is dangerous to cycle on a _________ road.

A. quiet       B. busy         C. vacant         D. big

( ) 12. Stop building __________ in the air, Shela!

A. bungalows   B. flats        C. castles        D. squatters

( ) 13. Father bought me a ___________ that speaks


A. sparrow       B. nestling

C. parrot        D. swallow

( ) 14. Pauline struts like a ___________.

A. piglet      B. leopard      C. monkey         D. peacock

( ) 15. Larry won a __________ in the swimming meet.

A. cup           B. trophy

C. kettle        D. bottle

( ) 16. The sky is getting __________. It may rain soon.

A. fair        B. dark         C. clear          D. foggy

( ) 17. The rabbits __________ in the ground.

A. burrow      B. drift        C. swim           D. pull

( ) 18. Water becomes ice when __________.

A. frozen      B. melted       C. boiled         D. hot

( ) 19. The snake __________ to the music of the flute.

A. changed     B. leaped       C. ran            D. swayed

( ) 20. A/An _________ measures the temperature of objects.

A. oven        B. flask        C. thermometer    D. tropical

Grammar (30 marks)

Underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)

21. Minah has ( order, orders, ordered ) a plate of noodles.

22. The handbag was ( find, finds, found ) under the table.

23. ’Wayangs‘ are operas ( perform, performs, performed ) on stage in open fields.

24. The cat ( catch, catches, caught ) the rat which ran too slowly.

25. Bees ( live, lives, living ) together in colonies.

26. The birds ( on, at, into ) the branches are chirping merrily.

27. This is Kaiming’s first ( offend, offended, offence ).

28. Rodney has ( drink, drank, druck ) all the milk in the bottle.

29. Veloo has a large collection ( on, of, in ) stamps.

30. Mother was ( please, pleases, pleased ) with Deliang‘s progress.

31. I need ( any, many, some ) thread to make a doll.

32. He has ( improve, improves, improved ) in his English over the past months.

33. It ( pained, pain, paining ) Charles to see Ken suffering.

34. ( Why, How, What ) is Justin grinning?

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)

35. enjoyed    show     The children      the      watching     interesting



36. have   one  the  You  can   pen   blue   either  the  or    red



37. her    looks    in    Rant      lovely     gown      new



38. is     at      Kelly      jokes    laughing      Jasmine’s



39. are     their parents     gate      The boys     meeting   at   the    school



40. is     bird       a       the      graceful      swan



41. the    too     are       hands     big     my     gloves     for



42. whistles    is    he     Tom      happy      when




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