威廉希尔app 为大家整理了小学英语羽毛笔和墨水瓶阅读,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!
The Feather Pen and the Inkstand
There was an inkstand on the desk in a poet's room. Some strange sounds came out of the bottle. "How amazing! Anything can come out of that inkstand."
The inkstand was proud of herself when she heard that. "Yes, I am unbelievable." The inkstand told this to a feather pen and other writing materials. "Sometimes, even I am amazed by what comes out of me. One drop of me is enough to fill half a piece of paper."
The inkstand had no idea what was inside of her. But she thought she had everything. "Don't you think about yourself at all? If you had a chance to think abort who you really are, you would have found out that the only thing that you can do is drop ink."
The feather pen said that he was the one who wrote on the paper. The inkstand and the feather pen had an argument. "You idiot, the poet can write his poems only because of me." The feather pen said that the only thing the inkstand can do is give him ink. They kept arguing.
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