


我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了剑桥少儿英语一级必考句型,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!


nit 1

His name is Bill. Linda is my friend.

Your name , please ? Who is this girl ?

This is my new bag . Show me your pen .

My friend is Pat . Our friends are their friends.

Unit 2

What is it ? It’s a tail.

Nice to see you.

He had a cow. Let me try.

Unit 3

What would you like ? I want some peaches.

How about you ? Here you are.

I’d like one , please . I don’t like mangoes.

Would you like an orange ? Yes, please.

I like to eat lemons and apples .

Unit 4

What’s in my hat? An eraser .

This is my friend.

Let me try .

You can see many toys in it.

You can find a toy car in this big hat.

Unit 5

Touch your leg . Who wants to try?

He has got two big eyes.

What can you hear? I can hear a bird.

I can smell with my noses.

We can hear with our ears.

Unit 6

Let’s play games. He must be in the house.

The colour of it is red. Do you understand ?

Catch the beanbag . Kick the shuttlecock.

Turn off the light . Show me your shoes.

Wash your hair.Which one do you want to play first?

Unit 7

Which is Mr li? Where is my sock?

Here I am.

Which one do you like ?

Do you like bananas or apples?

Unit 8

Please wait. What colours have you got?

This is a new street.

My bag is orange and my shorts are green.

Let’s go and have a look.

Hurry up ! Red is the colour for an apple to eat.


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