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【摘要】2014年剑桥少儿英语辅导试题模拟由威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望宝贝们可以取得好成绩。


一. 单词辩音(10%)

( )1. A. play B. plane ( ) 2. A. fifty B. fifteen

( )3. A. tired B. tried ( ) 4. A. would B. should

( )5. A. quiet B. quite ( ) 6. A. straight B. street

( )7. A. plate B. polite ( ) 8. A. please B. piece

( )9. A. doctor B. daughter ( )10. A. cough B. caught

二. 听问句,选答句(10%)

( )1. A. Daisy is my best friend B. Yes, she is C. That’s right

( )2. A. Yes, please B. Yes, let’s go C. Yes, I’d love some

( )3. A. By bus B. Once a week C. A week

( )4. A. Sure. Here you are B. I’d like to buy a pencil C. No, you can’t

( )5. A. I’ve got a cold B. I am 11 C. I have no wrong.


三. 单项填空(10%)

1. Shall I carry your bag?

A. It’s green B. No, thank you. C. It’s five.

2. Would you like to come to the cinema with me after school today?

A. Yes, I’d love to B. I’m going to school C. Yes, I like it

3. This boy is very cold. He would like ______.

A. a nice T-shirt B. a hat C. a coat

4. How do you go to Shanghai?

A. By train B. It’s three o’clock C. I’m his brother

5. When does he go to school in the morning?

A. At five o’clock B. He came back late C. It was raining.

6. How many floors does your building have?

It has _____ floors.

A. five B. fifth C. the fifth

7. Have you got any apples?

A. Yes, I haven’t B. No, he don’t C. No, I haven’t

8. How much is the ruler?

A. Here you are. B. There are 5 C. It’s 1 Yuan.

9. Tom likes dogs, ______ he doesn’t like flies.

A. and B. because C. but

10. What should you do if you are ill?

A. Play football B. Eat a lot of food C. Have a good rest

四. 找对子(10%)


You put books in this. umbrella

You drink from this. sunglasses

You need this when it rains. bed

You wear this in summer. bag

You put your shoes under this. cup


a bowl of ink

a bottle of rice

a glass of chocolate

a box of water

a cup of coffee

五. 看中文单词(10%)

(1)头痛 (2)牙痛 (3)胃痛 (4)感冒 (5)发烧

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________



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