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Name:___________ Class:___________

1.Listen and tick or cross判断下列句子与你所听到的是否意思相符,打√或打×

1. She has two big eyes and a small nose. ( )

2. Fish is the frog’s best friend. ( )

3. Tom lives on the seventh floor. ( )

4. She is the fourth. ( )

5. Big Panda wants to help the rabbit to carry the table. ( )

2.Listen and write Yes or No听短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容,写Yes或No

( ) 1. Sally is very busy.

( ) 2. Sally doesn’t love animals.

( ) 3. Sally doesn’t have time to play with the animals.

( ) 4. The elephant wanted to help Sally.

( ) 5. Sally was not happy and she didn’t play with the animals.

3.Choose the best answer 选择题

()1.Who is your best friend?

_____ best friend is Mike.

A. I B. My C. Me

()2.____ is the sheep’s best friend.

A. tiger B. lion C. goat

()3. Which floor do you live on?

I live on the ____ floor.

A. five B. fifth C. 5

()4. How many floors are there in your building?

There are ____ floors.

A. 8 B. eighth C 8th

()5.Shall I go home now?

A. Yes, you shall B. No, thanks C. No, you can’t

()6. Shall we go to the zoo?

A. Yes, we shall B.OK, let’s go C. It’s a zoo

()7.Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

A. Yes, I like B. Yes, I’ love some C. Yes, I’d love to

()8. Would you like some pasta?

A. Yes, I’d love some B. Yes, I like C.No, I don’t like

()9. Tom is hungry. He would like ______

A. a cup of tea B. some water C. some burgers

()10. It’s hot outside. I would like to______

A. go skating B. put on a coat C. go swimming

4. Unscramble the sentences连词成句10%

1). is your who best friend


2). shall we park to go


3). would like you play football me with


4). Tom the floor lives on 9th


5). I riding like on horse a




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