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【摘要】剑桥少儿英语预备级上册复习由威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望宝贝们可以取得好成绩。


1. Hello! 你好!

2. Good morning! 早上好!

Good afternoon! 下午好!

Good evening! 晚上好!

3. Stand up! 起立!Sit down! 坐下!Come here! 过来!Go back! 回去!

4. Books up! 拿起书来! Books down! 放下书!

5. Run to the door. 跑到门那儿。

6. Hands up! 双手举起!Hands down! (放下)  Hands right! (向右)Hands left! (向左)

7. Turn left! 向左转! Turn right! 向右转!

8. Show me your book, please. 请把你的书拿给我。  Here you are. 给你。

9. Quick! Hide and seek! 快!捉迷藏!

10. Stand in a row! 站成一排! Stand in two lines! 站两队!

Hold your hands and stand in a circle! 手拉手站成一个圆圈。

11. Bend down! 弯腰! Straighten up! 站直!

Touch the left foot! 摸左脚! Touch the right foot! 摸右脚!

Right foot up! 右脚抬起! Right foot down! 右脚放下!

Left foot up! 左脚抬起! Left foot down!

Left foot out! 出左脚! Left foot in! 收左脚!

Two feet out! 双脚打开! Two feet in! 双脚并拢!

Two feet out and in! 双脚打开再并拢!

Hands up and down! 双手举起再放下!

Hands front and back! 双手向前再向后!

Draw a boy in the house. 画一个男孩在房子里。



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