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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了英语第十册短语、句型知识点,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


in the UK 在英国  in this picture  在这张图片里  drive a bus 驾驶公交车     a flute player 一个笛子演奏者Chinese music 中国音乐       play the flute 演奏笛子  look at 看  in an office  在办公室     in a factory 在工厂里  in a shop  在商店里            in a hospital  在医院里  a happy family 快乐的一家

What did he do before?    他以前做什么工作?            He was a flute player. 他以前是一个长笛演奏者。

What music did he play?   他演奏什么音乐?           He played Chinese music.他演奏的是中国音乐。

What did she do before?        她以前做什么工作?       She was a driver before. 她以前是一名司机。

What did she drive? 她开什么车?                      She drove a bus. 她开公交车。

Where did your grandpa work? 你的爷爷以前在哪里工作? He worked in an office.他在办公室工作。



an email 一封电子邮件      English food 英国食品  an English breakfast 一顿英国早餐  a traditional English dish 一个传统的英国菜肴 have breakfast 吃早餐have lunch  吃午餐        have dinner 吃晚餐

What did she have for breakfast?     她早餐吃了什么?       She had eggs and sausages. 她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。

What did she have for lunch?        她午餐吃了什么?       She had hamburgers. 她吃了汉堡。

What did she have for dinner?        她晚餐吃了什么?       She had fish and chips. 她吃了炸鱼加炸薯条。

Lunch is usually at half past twelve.  午餐通常在十二点半。



have got 有  at the library 在图书馆     Excuse me 打扰 on the computer 在电脑上   show…to 给某人看  lots of = a lot of 许多的  our favourite 我们的最爱  library card  图书证  give back 归还  in two weeks  两周内  borrow books借书, use the computers使用电脑, do homework做作业, talk to your friends与朋友交谈

Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?         你们有哈利波特的光盘吗?

Yes, we have./ No, we haven’t. 是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。

You’ve got lots of Harry Potter books here! 你这里有许多哈利波特的书!

Please give the books back in two weeks. 请在两周内归还书。

You can use the computers.  你可以使用电脑。

考点:1. have got 表示“有”的用法。

2. can 的用法。


live in居住在   a maths game 数学游戏   American chocolate 美国功克力   want to 想要   come to the US 来美国   in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天    play with… 玩…,和…玩    fall from the tree 从树上落下  on the trees 在树上        go swimming 去游泳   go skiing 滑雪 wear shorts 穿短裤  wear gloves 戴手套

I sent you a maths game. Did you get it? 我给你寄了一个数学游戏。你收到了吗?

Yes, I did. Thank you. 是的,收到了。谢谢。

I sent you English books. Did you read them? 我给你寄了英语书。你读了吗?

Yes, I did. They are intertesting. 是的,我读了。它们很有趣。

My favourite season is spring. 我最喜欢的季节是春天。



take to …带到…  at the shop   on my back  在我的背上   over my shoulder 在我的肩上  with my hand 用我的手

This black bag is nice. It’s big. 这个黑色的包不错。它大。

Look at this green one. It’s light. 看看这个绿色的。它轻。

How much is it? 它多少钱?It’s 30 pounds. 30英镑。

Mine is pink. 我的是粉色的。

考点:常见形容词heavy-light, big-small, new-old/broken, fat-thin, clean-dirty


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