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unit13  1.明天见See you tomorrow


3.和我的家人去动物园go to the zoo with my family

4.在动物园门口at the gate of the zoo

5.别忘记。Don't forget!

6.别迟到。Don't be late!

7.不要乱扔杂物。Don't leave litter.

8.不要喂食物给动物。 Don't feed the animals.

9.不要向猴子扔东西。Don't throw things at the monkeys.

10.不要在这里拍照。Don't take photographs here.

11.不要在草地上散步。 Don't walk on the grass.


1.把你的香蕉给他们 give them your banana

2.为什么不?Why not?

3.动物园规则zoo rule

4.走得太近go too near

5.来自非洲from Africa

6.谁知道?Who knows?

7.北极the Artic

8.南极the Antarctic

9.北美洲North America

10.南美洲south America

Unit 16  1.广州动物园Guangzhou Zoo

2.拐左(右)turn left(right)

3.一直往前走(go) straight ahead

4.在左(右)边on the left(right)

5.顺便问一问by the way

6.坐十路公交车take a No.10 bus

7.警察局police station

8.电视台TV station

9.邮局post office

10.火车站train station

11.不用谢。You're welcome.

12.劳驾;对不起Excuse me.

13.从酒店出去向右走turn right out of the hotel

14.在第一个路口向左转take the first left


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