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Unit 4  1.跳得很高jump very high

2.游得快swim fast

3.他自己的天赋his own gift

4.爬树climb trees

5.飞得高fly high

6.读和写read and write

unit 5

1.说英语speak English

2.和我们谈话talk with us(用宾格)

3.用我的腿走路walk with my legs

4.用我的手工作work with my hands

5.用英语说故事tell stories in English

6.跳舞跳得很好dance very well (不用good)

7.看我!Watch me!

8.读英语故事read English stories

9.明白你的老师understand your teacher

10.用英语给你的朋友 write a letter in English to your friend

11.(球踢得)非常好( play football ) very well

12.相当好quite well

13.不是很好not very well

14.一点也不not at all

unit7  1.去花展go to the flower show

2.和你一起去go with you

3.照相take photos

4.在草地上on the grass

5.休息一会儿take a rest

6.你当然可以of course you can

7.那本关于植物的书that book about plants

8.淋花water the flowers

9.种树plant trees(grow trees少见,别用)




1.摘(那些)花pick (the/those) flowers

2.排队line up

3.把我的书包留在这leave my bag here

4.需要你的笔记本need your notebook

5.英雄树the Hero Tree

6.广州市市花the city flower of Guangzhou

7.在春天生长grow in spring

8.可爱的紫罗兰lovely violets

9.把它们留在公园leave them in the park

10.散步take a walk

11.在长凳上睡觉sleep on the bench

12.看起来像look like

13.准备,打算be going to

14.你将you'll=you will

15.不允许;不应该mustn't=must not

unit10  1.到达那里get there

2.坐飞机旅游travel by plane

3.坐地铁by underground

4.骑车去go by bike

5.七点半 (用逆读法)half past seven

6.步行on foot

7.第二天下午next afternoon

8.和我的祖母在一起stay with my grandmother

9.住在我家附近live near my home

10.差一刻到十点a quarter to ten

11.出发前往;离开去leave for

12.在北京in BeijingRoad



2.呆在深圳stay in Shenzhen

3.世界之窗Window of the World

4.一日游a day trip


6.到家get home

7.之后after that

8.呆在家里stay at home

9.夜间动物园Night Zoo

10.购物中心shopping centre

11.在北京路in BeijingRoad


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