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暑假即将到来,家长朋友们一定要注意孩子的假期学习问题。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了15年五年级英语下册暑假作业卷,希望对大家有所帮助。

一、 选出每组中不属于同一类的单词。(12分)

(   )1.A.tea    B coffee     C.juice   D.ice cream

(   )2.A.date   B.pineapple  C.rice    D.grape

(   )3.A.noodles B.vegetables  C.dumplings    D.hamburger

(   )4.A.Chinese  B.England  C.Janpanese    D.American

(   )5.A.suger   B.knife   C.spoon   D.fork

(   )6.A.greens   B.cherry  C.celery   D.eggplant

二、 按要求写出单词。(20分)

worry(形容词形式)              thirsty(对应词)

go(过去式)                     England(对应国家语言)

cherry(复数形式)               be from(同义词)

let us(缩写形式)               thin(反义词)

gave(原形)                     Chinese(对应国家)

三、 单项选择。(10分)

(   ) 1. What would you like ?  I       cherries.

A. am like   B. would like     C .want

(   )2. I′m       to the greengrocer′s

A. going    B. go   C. goes

(   )3.     home is this?

A. Who       B. Who′s       C. Whose

(   )4. There is      food on the table.

A. lot        B. a lot of      C.  /

(   ) 5. Is there       beer?

A. any         B. some        C. have

(   )6. What′s       lunch?

A. with       B. have        C. for

(   )7.Tom      milk for his breakfast.

A. like        B. likes       C. liking

(   )8. Help yourself     some fruit.

A. too         B. to        C. have

(   )9. Pass     the ketchup and a spoon ,please.

A. he         B. she      C. him

(   )10.Let’s     some pork.

A. to have     B. have    C. having


1.I have a       (香肠)for breakfast.

2.Let’s go to the           (餐馆).

3.I’m         (口渴了).I want some drink.

4.Let’s have our         (野餐).

5.I’d like a                      (草莓冰淇淋).

6.Fish is my             (最喜爱的)food.

7.May I have the       (菜单)?

8.               (随便吃)to some coke.

9.The mother and son went to             (诊所).


A栏                            B栏

(   )1.How much are they?          A.He likes beef.

(   )2.What’s for super?          B.I’m from America.


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