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我们已给本学期划上一个圆满的句号,又迎来了丰富多彩的暑假生活。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了2015学期五年级下册英语暑假作业试卷,供大家参考。

一. 选出你所听到的单词。(5分)

(   )   a. A  walk          B.  talk            C.   park

(   )   b. A.  street         B   straight        C.   eight

(   )   c. A  there          B.  here            C.   help

(   )   d. A.  scared        B.  tired            C.   cold

(   )   e. A.  buy           B.  boy            C   hotel

二.  Listen . Choose the corret answers.(10分)

(   )  1. I see some children laughing _________.

A. quietly       B. loudly       C. happily

(   )  2. I see some men _________.

A. having fun    B. standing quietly  C. laughing

(   )  3. Don’t worry. I can _________ you.

A. hurt         B. help           C. see

(   )  4. There are many _______ on the square.

A. buses        B. trucks        C. people

(   )  5. This is __________ for Li Ming.

A. hard         B. easy          C. fun

(   )  6. Let’s__________ on your arm.

A. fly a kite      B. put a bandage   C. take a picture

(   )  7. Uncle Wang’s family visits _________ in Beijing.

A. many shops    B. many people    C. many places

(   )   8. There are many great ________ in the Palace  Museum.

A. parks       B. buildings and gardens    C. places

(   )  9. Philip is Uncle Wang’s _____________.

A. brother      B.  friend          C. son

(   )  10. There is a beautiful ______ in the middle of a sitting room.

A. wooden desk   B.  wooden bed    C. wooden chair

三.   补全单词。(10分)

cam_ _(照相机)h__ __t(刺痛)ev_ _yone(人人)

dr_ _(绘画)P_ __ple(人) l__tt__r(信)   l__ft(左)

st_  _p(邮票) b__tto_ (底部)    c__r n_ _(角落)

四 按要求写单词。(10分)


4.hard(反义词)_____       5.shop(现在分词)______

五. 选择恰当的一项。(20分)

(   ) 1. There __some women in the park.

A. is  B.are  C. have D. has

(   ) 2.What book are you ____now?

A. seeing  B. looking  C. reading  D. watching

(   ) 3. There is ______old man on the train. A an  B a  C /  D are

(   ) 4. There is a cup __tea on the table. A with  B up  C of  D on

(   ) 5.What would you like____A. drinks  B. to drink C drankD drink

(   ) 6.May I __ some grapes?

A. to have  B having  C have   D has

(   ) 7.Everyone _____to go shopping.

A want  B wants  C am   D was

(   ) 8.I put a new film ___ my camera.

A in   B at   C on    D to

(   ) 9.They aren’t quick. They walk _____.

A quick  B slow  C slowly  D quickly

(   ) 10.May I take ____ picture.

A your   B you  C yours   D your’s


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