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放暑假了,同学们应该怎样度过这个暑假呢?小学阶段是我们一 生中学习的“黄金时期” 。暑假这一个月的时间的同学们尤其重要。下文为大家准备了新标准英语第十册暑假作业试卷

听力部分( 35分)

Ⅰ. 听音,选出你所听到的句子中的单词,将其序号填入括号内。

(    )1、 A. delicious         B. different         C. difficult

(    )2、 A. scissors          B.sausage          C. sandwich

(    )3、 A. paper            B.parent           C. place

(    )4、 A. circle            B. climb           C. clothes

(    )5、 A. should           B.shoulder         C. solve

Ⅱ. 听音,用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列图片重新排序。

(    )        (    )      (    )      (    )          (    )

Ⅲ. 听音,为所听到的问句选出相应的答句,将序号填入括号内。

(   )1、A. Go to the airport.              B. At half past seven.

(   )2、A. A ticket.                     B. A bus.

(   )3、A. Yes, he can.                  B. Yes, he has.

(   )4、A. No, I won’t.                  B.No, I didn’t.

(   )5、A. Spring.                      B. Sausage.

Ⅳ. 听音,按所听顺序用数字(1、2、3、4、5)给下列句子重新排序。

(      ) Click on “Email”!

(      ) Write your message .

(      ) How to send an email ?

(      ) Click on “Send”!

(      ) Now click on “Write”.

Ⅴ. 听短文,判断正误。正确打“√”, 错误打“×”。

(    ) 1. Daming got some presents from England last week.

(    ) 2. Daming and Lingling played the Maths game.

(    ) 3. Daming read English books yesterday.

(    ) 4. Daming ate American chocolates yesterday.

(    ) 5. Daming is going to go to America this summer.


Ⅵ. 单项选择。

(   )1、My grandpa _______a flute player before.

A. is     B. was       C. were

(   )2、In England, _______ is usually at half past twelve.

A. breakfast       B. dinner       C. lunch

(   )3、A: Your library card, please.     B:____________

A. Oh good.    B. Here you are.    C. Yes, we have.

(   )4、There are some birds in the tree. I can see _______with my ________.

A. them , eyes       B. me , mouth      C. it , ears

(   )5、I’ve got a new book. I read ___________ last week.

A. it        B. them        C. they

(   )6、This black box is heavy. And that green one is ¬¬¬________, too.

A. heavy         B. dirty        C. old


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