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这篇关于暑假大串联小学五年级英语第二册暑假作业卷,是威廉希尔app 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!

一、 听力部分(30分)听句子三次,选出句子含有的信息。(8分)

(      ) 13. A. has a toothache     B. has a headache     C. has a stomachache

(      ) 14. A. English           B. Chinese           C. Maths

(      ) 15. A. 95 metres         B. 95 kilometres       C. 95 kilos

(      ) 16. A. at 7.45           B. at 8.00             C. at 8.15

(      ) 17. A. playing tennis      B. playing badminton   C. playing basketball

(      ) 18. A. rainy and windy    B. cold and sunny      C. rainy and wet

(      ) 19. A. shark             B. leopard            C. crocodile

(      ) 20. A. go sightseeing      B. go boating         C. go swimming

二、 听每组的三个句子三次,将句子的大写字母编号写在相应图下的编号。(12分)





1. What’s the ______________ like will be ______________ ?

2.  How many __________  of vegetables are there in your kitchen.

3.  ______________ you like to go to the Guangzhou Restaurant again?

4.  Miss Smith is ____________ about her penfriend.

5.  ________ the medicine three times a day. And you’d __________ have a good rest.

6.  Kangaroo can jump much ______________ than the rabbit.

7.  Our teachers work ______________ than ______________ .


(    )1.A. Because she can eat ice cream.

B. Because she can wear her beautiful clothes.

C. Because she can go swimming with her friends.

(    )2. A. It lasts for 4 months.   B. It lasts for about 3months.

C. It lasts for over 4 months.

(    )3. A. Watching TV.      B. Going outside.     C. Doing her homework.

(    )4. A. Maths.       B. Chinese.     C. English.

(    )5. A. Always.      B. Sometimes.       C. Never.


(    )1. There aren’t four seasons here.

(    )2. I love spring because I can plant flowers.

(    )3. In summer, I go swimming every day.

(    )4. I like taking photos in winter.

(    )5. It’s not cold here.


六、 仿照例子把代表单词的字母按类别写在答题卡相应的表格里。(8分)

A. stomachache   B. crocodile   C. cloudy    D. sandwich    E. leopard

F. shark          G. foggy     H. hamburger  I. headache    J. deer

K. sunny   L. sore throat  M. eagle     N. snowy  O. turtle   P. noodles

1. 疾病___________________________________________________________

2. 食物___________________________________________________________

3. 动物___________________________________________________________

4. 天气___________________________________________________________


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