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下面是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的关于2015小学五年级英语暑假作业答案的文章,希望对大家有帮助,我们期待大家的持续关注。


(C)1.A.old B.cold C.road D. boat  

(A)2 A.tall B. talk C.tail D. tell  

(D)3 A.chair B.hair C.care D.clear  

(B)4 A.mouth B.month C.maths D.much  

(D)5 A.word B.work C.worker D.water  

(B)6 A.right B.bright C.night D.tonight  

(D)7 A.boy B.toy C.soy D.enjoy  

(B)8 A.show B.snow C.now D.know  

(D)9 A.book B.look C.good D.cook  

(C)10 A.little B.letter C.litter D.listen  


1.(B)A.They are going to listen to music tomorrow evening.  B. They are going to see a film tomorrow evening.  C.They are going to the concert tomorrow evening.  

2.(A)A.Miss Li telephoned Mr Green yesterday.  B.Miss Li didn’t telephone Mr Green yesterday.  C.Miss Li will telephone Mr Green now.  

3.(B)A.Helen cleaned her shoes yesterday morning.  B.Helen cleaned her bedroom yesterday morning.  C.Helen cleaned kitchen yesterday morning.  

4.(C)A.They will meet at 8:00 a.m.  B.They will meet at 8:00 p.m.  C.They will meet at 9:00 a.m.  

5.(A) A.Did you have a good time at the party?  B.Did you enjoy a good rest at the party  (B)1. Don’t touch it. It’s dangerous.  (A)2. What did you do yesterday? I cleaned my bedroom.  (A)3. What are you doing , Tom? I’m playing computer games.  (C)4. What are they doing now? They are playing basketball. 


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