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五年级最新英语暑假作业,是由威廉希尔app 为您带来的精品学习资料,希望帮到你。

听力部分 ( 满分50分 )

一、Listen and choose(10分)


(      ) 1. A. Thursday           B. Tuesday           C. Wednesday

(      ) 2. A. tomatoes           B. photos             C. potatoes

(      ) 3.  A. food                B. fruit               C. four

(      ) 4.  A. horse              B. mouse             C. house

(      ) 5.  A. strict               B. strong              C. tall

(      ) 6.  A. 13                   B.50                  C. 15

(   ) 7. A. today       B. tasty    C. table

(   ) 8. A. heavy    B. healthy   C. hurry

(   ) 9. A. do homework  B. do housework  C. do some shopping

(   ) 10.A. I’d like some mutton.B. I’d like some pork.C. I’d like some potato.

二、Listen and judge根据所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分)

1、              2、                3、

(     )   (     )  (    )

4、                    5、

(     )     (     )

(     ) 6. My principal is kind.

(     ) 7. Amy likes mutton very much.

(     ) 8. Mr Black is short.

(     ) 9. Ben has potatoes for lunch on Wednesdays.

(     ) 10. My favourite day is Tuesday.

三、Listen and choose(每小题2分,共10分)


(    )1. A. Mr Zhao B. He’s tall and thin     C. She’s active

(    )2. A. Yes, he is   B. No, she isn’t C. No, he is

(    )3. A. It’s sunny B. I like Wednesdays C. It’s Wednesday

(    )4. A. I often read books and watch TV.

B. I have computer and science.

C. We have green beans and potatoes.

(    )5. A. I’d like some tomatoes and mutton.

B. I like oranges and grapes.

C. I have tofu and beef on Tuesdays.

四、Listen and write.(根据录音内容把句子补充完整,每空只填一词10分)

1. What do you have for lunch on __________? I have _______ for lunch.

2. I often do my            and ___________ on Saturdays.

3. What ________is it today?              Wednesday.

4. Is she            ?   No, she _______.

5. What’s he like? He’s __________ and            .

五、Listen and judge(每小题2分,共10分)


(   )1. I go to school for five days a week.

(   )2. We have four classes every day(每天)。

(   )3. I play the violin on Tuesday.

(   )4. I read books ,watch TV and play computer games on weekends.

(   )5. I like Saturday and Sunday.



A: Good morning . What day is it today?

B:  _______________________________________________

A: Oh! Tomorrow is the weekend. ____________________________________?

B: Our Chinese teacher is Miss Chen.


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