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2014年最新的五年级英语暑假作业,是由威廉希尔app 为您带来的精品学习资料,希望帮到你。


( )1.A. behind B. building C. beside

( )2. A. past B. first C. face

( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. lessons

( )4. A. floor B.four C. from

( )5. A. live B. left C. let

( )6. A. red B. ride C. rice

( )7. A. aunt B. art C. car

( )8. A. sports B. skate C. sweep


( )1.A. All right . B. No, I don’t. C.Yes, we do.

( )2. A. Yes , it’s old. B.Oh, how nice!

C. Why do you say that?

( )3. A.He’s making a model car. B. No,he isn’t.

C.He can sing an English song.

( )4. A. Yes,very much. B.Forty yuan. C.They are lovely pandas.

( )5. A.Let’s go and help her. B.Let’s go and join them.

C. Let’s go and read books in the reading room.

( )6. A.I can see six . B. It’s a diamond . C. Yes, I can.

( )7. A.They have a telescope . B. They are near a hill.

C. They are having a camping trip.

( )8. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes,I am. C. Yes,I can.


Hello, I’m Mike. Let me show you a _____ of my _________.Look , we are ______ in my bedroom. I’m __________ on the _______ and playing_________ ________.Yang Ling is playing with a ________. David is standing_________ me. He’s ________ a picture book. LiuTao and Gao Shan are _______ a ________ ______.We are ________very happy.


一、 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(8分)

( )1.A.this B. thank C.that D.there

( )2. A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s

( )3. A.vase B.stand C.after D.father

( )4. A.puppet B.brush C.music D.puzzle

( )5. A.show B.flower C.brown D.down

( )6. A.red B.behind C. chess D. bed

( )7. A.ride B.ring C. with D.milk

( )8. A.home B.go C.oval D. song


1. I ______ a new mask . My brother ________ a pumpking lantern.(have)

2.There are some ___________ on the table .(glass)

3. Do you have ___________ story book? (some)

4.He’s ______________ the windows and doors.(clean)

5.Nancy and I don’t like _______________.(swim)

6.Look! Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish)

7.The ___________ are near the tent.(child)

8.They are in the big tree . Let’s go and help _________.(they)


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