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【摘要】要想学习好,死记硬背是远远不够的,多做试题是难免的,这样才能够掌握各种试题类型的解题思路,在考试中应用自如。下面请参考威廉希尔app 为您整理的“PEP版小学五年级下册英语期中试卷及答案”,希望同学们对试题的练习能够使成绩突飞猛进的发展。.



1. baby , bag( × ) 2. clock , coke( × )

3. dress , eleven( × ) 4. five , his( × )

5. sheep , see( √ ) 6. excuse , club( × )

7. face , name( √ ) 8. away , Sunday( × )

9. tailor , painting( √ ) 10. how , grow( × )

11. funny , cub( √ ) 12. Kangaroo , school( √ )

13. lion , do( × ) 14. animal , apple( √ )

15. has , can’t( × ) 16. mouse , out( √ )

17. son , hotel( × ) 18. they , waiter( √ )

19. tailor , doctor( √ ) 20. music , mug( × )


1. a bird 2. an actor 3. an old car 4. an “ s ”

5. a lion 6. a “ G ” 7. a duck 8. a calf

9. a sheep 10. a uniform 11. an umbrella 12. a chick


1. dog dogs 2. puppy puppies 3. lion lions 4. baby babies

5. cat cats 6. piglet piglets 7. horse horses 8. calf calves

9. goose geese 10. joey joeys 11. duckling ducklings 12. hen hens


1. These are goats (goat).

2. We call them cows (cow).

3. What’s this in Chinese (China)?

4. A kid’s (kid)parent is a goat .

5. Five lambs are there with their mother . They’re sheep (sheep).

6. There is (be)a bird in the tree .

7. We are good friends (friend).

8. These are sheep (sheep). They are nice .

9. We can play (play)football after class .

10. Where is (be)my pen ? It is (be)over there .

11. A cow has a child . We call it calf (cow).

12. There are two mice (mouse)over there .

13. Let’s be (be)best friends .

14. We know a baby kangaroo is a joey (kangaroo).


1. That’s an interesting story . 2. What’s this in English ?

3. Look at that little goat . 4. I want to make a friend .

5. Is that a lion ? No , it isn’t . 6. Don’t be sad , little calf .


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