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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了五年级英语上册期末试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


听 力 部 分

一、 下列每小题中有三个单词,你将听到其中的一个。请把你听到的那个单词的字母标号写在题前的括号里。每个单词连读两遍。(6分)

( ) 1. A. strong B. strict C. sour

( ) 2. A. road B. read C. robot

( ) 3. A. mutton B. mountain C. many

( ) 4. A. park B. pork C. talk

( ) 5. A. what B. water C. wait

( ) 6. A. from B. fruit C. fridge

二、 Mike星期六和星期天通常都做哪些事情?请听录音,在相应的空格里划“√”表示。对话将连读两遍。(6分)





四、听录音,判断每小题中的陈述与录音是否相符。若相符,在相应的括号里写 “T”;反之,写 “F”。每个对话连读两遍。(9分)

( ) 1. Sarah likes grapes.

( ) 2. Lilly’s math teacher is short and quiet.

( ) 3. Daming have to eat vegetables because he is heavy.

( ) 4. The young lady is Mike’s music teacher.

( ) 5. Chen Jie has mutton and cabbage on Fridays.


( ) 6. Lilly can cook the meals.


1. I don’t like the fish because it’s s_ _ _ _. I like tofu because it’s h_ _ _ _ _ _.

2. Li Ming lives in a small city. There are many tall b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the city.

3. Look at the garden! The f_ _ _ _ _ _ are colourful and the g_ _ _ _ is so green.

4. I like the village. The air is f_ _ _ _ and the r_ _ _ _ is clean.

5. Look at that woman! She’s our P.E teacher. She’s very f_ _ _ _ and a_ _ _ _ _.

6. Our principal is a young man. He is very k_ _ _.


笔 试 部 分

六、读一读,根据图画提示填上所缺单词,每条横线上只填一个单词。 (11分)

1. Come and have some __________ , please. They’re so sweet.

2. --- I’d like some _________ and __________ .

What about you?

--- I’d like some _________ and __________ .

3. --- I’m helpful at home. I can __________ the __________ and

___________ the ___________ .

What about you?

---I can _________ the _________ and ___________the

___________ .

4. Welcome to our new house! You can see a living room, a study, two

___________ , a ____________ and a


___________ . It’s very nice.

5. Come and look at my new room. There is a _________ , a desk, a

bed and two end tables in it. You can see a __________ on the wall,

a shelf _________ the desk, a _________ _________

__________ the door.


1. windows, wash, I, the, can, ( . )

2. pandas, there, in, any, mountains, are, the, ( ? )

3. teacher, who’s, English, your, ( ? )

4. student, a, university, she’s, ( . )

5. forest, there, a, in, park, nature, the is, ( ? )


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