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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学五年级英语期未测试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Part 1 Listening

一、 选出你所听到的单词。

( ) 1、A crane B capital C countryside

( ) 2、A girl B grow C change

( ) 3、A hello B happy C hand

( ) 4、A when Bwhere C what

( ) 5、A wide B ride C quiet

( ) 6、A it B live C music

( ) 7、A jump B July C jigsaw

( ) 8、A pan B paint C picnic

( ) 9 A like B yellow C letter

( ) 10 A well B help C apple

( ) 11 A mother B grandma C film

( ) 12 A green B thin C winter

二、 选出划线字母读音不同的选项。

( ) 1 A cake B fate C name D bad

( ) 2 A want B watch C cat D what

( ) 3 A kite B fite C lift D tide

( )4 A green B thin C nice D winter

( )5 A sun B nose C nurse D swimming

三、 选出你所听到的句子。

( ) 1 A It’s made of wood. B It’s made of clay.

C It’s made of glass.

( ) 2 A I’ll make a hole. B I’ll water it .

C I’ll plant a tree.

( ) 3 A Put some water into a pan. B Add the water to the noodles.

C You can eat your noodles.

( ) 4 A I’m going to go camping . B I’m going camping .

C I’m going to paint my room .

( ) 5 A We need to take a tent. B We needs to take a pan.

C We need to take a torch.

( ) 6 A I want to go for a picnic . B I want to take some food .

C I want to play football .

四、 听音排序。

( ) First, I’ll make a hole.

( ) It will be a big tree.

( ) Then I’ll put the seed in the hole.

( ) Then I’ll water it every day .

( ) Then I’ll cover the seed with earth.

( ) It will grow and grow .


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