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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了pep英语五年级下册第三单元练习试题,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


班级_______ 姓名 _______

一. 写出相应的答句.

1. ________________________________? Yes, my aunt’s birthday is in August.

2. ________________________________? Because I can go skating in winter.

3. ________________________________? My birthday is in April.

4. ________________________________? Lily’s birthday is in July.

5. ________________________________? I usually have a picnic on my birthday.

6. ____________________________? No, my grandma’s birthday is not in January.

7. ________________________________? I usually play the piano on Tuesdays.

8. ________________________________? Because I can eat many fruit in fall.


1: The first month of the year is ________.

2: February is the _______ month of the year.

3: I was born (出生于) in April 20th. So my _______ is in April.

4: There are ____ months in a season. Spring is from _____ to ______. Summer is from ______to _____. Fall is from_____to _____. Winter is from ______ to _______.

三: 补全对话.. xkb1.com

1: A ________________________________? B: It’s sunny and hot in summer.[

2: A: _______________________________ ? B: I like fall best.

3: A: ________________________________? B: Teacher’s Day is on Sept. 10th.

4: A: ________________________________? B: There are four holidays in fall.

5. A: _______________________________? B: My father’s birthday is in July.

6. A: ________________________________? B: It’s Wednesday.

7. A: ________________________________? B: Today is June 10th.

8. A: ________________________________? B: Amy has a birthday in March.

9. A: _______________________________? B: No,my birthday is in October.

10. Is your birthday in August? ( 是)__________________________.

11. Is her birthday in June? (不是)____________________________

四. 给下列句子或对话填上适当的词,使其意思完整通顺.

1. A: __________ do you have English class ? B: _______ 8:40 .

2. A: _________ do you do ? B: _____ am a student .

3. A: __________ do you do ______ the weekend ?

B: I often ___________ piano. How _______ you ?

A: I often __________ mountains .


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