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Ⅴ. Reading. 阅读理解。(10分)

My name is Song Yang. I'm a student. I live in Beijing. Now, I’am writing a letter to my cousin. Her name is Song Rui. She is ten years old. She lives in Shijiazhuang. I miss her very much. I write on paper. At the top of the letter, I write the day. What day is today? It's Thursday, March 23th. I write my name at the bottom of the letter. I put my letter in an envelope. Then I write her name and address on the envelope. 新 课标 第一 网


1. ( ) Song Yang is writing a letter to my cousin.

2. ( ) Song Rui lives in Beijing.

3. ( ) Today is Thursday, March 23th.

4. ( ) Song Yang writes on paper.

5. ( ) She writes the address at the bottom of the letter.

Ⅵ. Writing.看图,在合适的位置填单词,并试着给你的朋友写一封明信片。(12分)


I.Listen and number. 听句子,标号。(8分)

1. Danny doesn’t have a computer.

2. Jenny wants to send an E-mail.

3. Is that an envelope?

4. Don’t forget the stamp.

II. Listen and choose. 听音,把你听到的单词序号填入括号中。(6分)

1. computer 2.. stamp 3. right

4. corner 5. send 6. top

III. Listen and circle. (圈出你所听到句子的序号)(5分)

1. May I help you write your letter.

2. Where do you put the address?

3. That’s the bottom left corner

4.You write letter on paper.

5. How much are the postcards?

IV. Listen and draw. (听音画画)(6分)

a. Draw a postcard. b. Draw a letter. c. Draw a computer.

V. Listen and number. 听句子,标上正确的序号。(5分)

1. I have a friend in Canada.

2. He has a computer

3. I want to send him an E-mail.

4. Let’s see if the hotel has a computer.

5. Great! I may send an e-mail for twenty yuan.



威廉希尔app 小学频道    五年级英语试题


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