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Part II. Writing 笔试部分 (70分)

I. Fill in the blanks.找规律,写单词。(8分)

1. computer corner sister lett___

2. stand panda pants st___mp

3. pen ten hen s___nd

4. car card far postc___d

II. Choose the best answer.选择最佳答案。(15分)

1.( ) Danny _____ a stamp for her mother?

A. need B. buy C. needs

2. ( ) He is _____a letter to his father.

A. write B. writing C. writes

3.( ) This postcard has a picture _____our hotel on it.

A. of B. for C. at

4. ( ) Where do we put the stamp on a postcard? _____

A. On the left. B. On the right. C. In the top, right corner.

5. ( ) ____ is your address?

A. What B. Where C. How[

III. Match .连线。(15分)

1.What are you doing? A. One stamp ten yuan.

2.Where are you sending your letter? B. Yes, I do.

3.How much are the stamps? C. Yes, I need a stamp.

4.Do you need stamps? D. To Beijing.

5.Can I help you? E. I'm writing postcard.

IV. Make sentences.连词成句。(10分)

1. I that see May book ?


2. a You on write letter paper .


3. lights traffic left at Turn the .


4. Shijiazhuang Beijing smaller is than .


5. your are you sending Where letter ?



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