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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了五年级英语第二学期第二单元自测试卷,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


班别:___________ 姓名:_____________ 分数:_____________



( )1、A、ball B、board C、 fall

( )2、A、 winter B、swim C、windy

( ) 3、A、play B、skate C、make

( ) 4、A、summer B、sunny C、up

( ) 5、A、 play with snow B、make a snowman C、sleep a long time

( ) 6、A、fly kites B、plant trees C、play sports

( ) 7、A、go to Beijing B、go to Qingdao C、go to Harbin

( ) 8、A、What‘s your favourite season? B、What’s your favourite fruit? C、What‘s your favourite food?

( ) 9、A、I can skate B、she can skate C、He can skate

( ) 10、A、Why do you like winter ? B、Why does zhangpeng like winter? C、Why does she like winter?

二 、听录音,判断对错.(10分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2 ( ) (6) They climb mountains in fall.

( ) (7) I wear my T-shirt in winter.

( ) (8) It’s windy and cool in winter.

( ) (9) There are twelve seasons in a year.

( ) (10) In Beijing , it‘s spring from January to March .


( )1、A 、When is the best time to go to Beijing? B、What’s the weather like in Beijing? C、What would you like to do?[

( ) 2、A 、Why does Amy like winter? B、Why does Mike winter?

C、Why do you like winter?

( ) 3、A、Can you plant trees? B、Do you plant trees?

C、Are you planting trees?

( ) 4、A、Does it often rain in fall? B、Is it cold in fall?

C、Is it cool in fall?

( ) 5、A、Which season do you like best? B、What season do you like? C、How many seasons are there in a year?


1. What would you like to do? I‘d like to________ _________.

2. The leaves are green in _________. They are yellow in ________.

3. ________is good, but ________is my favourite season.

4. Why do you like winter? ____________ I can make a ___________.

5. _________ season does Amy like best? She ________ winter best.

五、听读一段对话,判断句子的对错,对的打“ √”,错的打“×”。

( )1、Jone likes winter best.

( )2、Mike can swim in the sea in fall.

( )3、.Chen Jie likes spring best.

( )4、Wu Yifan doesn’t like fall.Beacause it‘s windy.

( )5、Wu Yifan likes his red shirt.


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