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一、 找出不同类的单词(10分)

( )1、 A、music B、art C、teacher D、PE

( ) 2 、 A、am B、very C、is D、are

( ) 3、 A、he B、his C、her D、your

( ) 4、 A、who B、what C、we D、where

( ) 5、 A、kind B、strict C、tall D、English

( ) 6、 A、over B、on C、behind D、kind

( ) 7、 A、chair B、desk C、cool D、sofa

( )8、 A、Monday B、Friday C、Tuesday D、tea

( ) 9 A、humburger B、swim C、sandwich D、cake

( ) 10、 A、sky B、apple C、pear D、banana


1、Let us (缩写形式) 2、don′t (完整形式)

3、two (同音词) 4、young (反义词)

5、man (复数) 6、potato (复数)

7、water bottle (英译汉) 8、英语老师 (汉译英)

9、sing English songs (英译汉) 10、fun (形容词)

11、teach (第三人称单词) 12、I (宾语)


( )1、Today Thuresdy. We have English class A、are B、is C、be

( ) 2、He is tall thin. A、and. B、or C、very

( ) 3、I have art and music Fridays. A、at B、of C、on

( ) 4、We often play football on Saturdays. A、the B、a C、l

( ) 5、Do you like books. A、see B、watch C、reading

( ) 6、They will have dinner , about you? A、who B、where C、what

( ) 7、What you like to eat? A、would B、are C、do

( ) 8、 would you like to drink? A、why B、who C、what

( )9、Can you help ? A、I B、we C、me

( ) 10、There is apple on the desk. A、a B、an C、l

( )11、如果你想知道别人喜欢什么运动时,应该说:

A、What′s your favourite food?

B、What′s your favourite sports? C、I like doing exercise.

( )12、放学后你见到妈妈说:“妈妈,我饿了。“应该说:

A、I′d like something to drink.

B、What would you like to eat? C、Mum, I′m hungry.

( )13、当你想知道对方会不会做面条时,应问:

A 、What can you do? B、Can you cook the noodles?

C、Can you cook the noodles?

( )14、你想请朋友一起去划船时,应说:

A、Let′s go boating. B、Let′s go hiking. C、Let′s go swimming.

( )15、你想说今天天气真好啊,应说:

A、What a nice day﹗ B、Which a nice day﹗ C、Where a nice day﹗


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