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一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍)(1'×10=10’)

( )1. A. China B. Canada C. Australia

( )2. A. horse B. house C. mouse

( )3. A. skate B. swing C. swim

( )4. A. idea B. ice C. ice cream

( )4. A. not B. note C. nose

( )5. A. write B. white C. what

( )6. A. like B. bike C. cake

( )7. A. under B. behind C. between

( )8. A. tail B. head C. hand

( )9. A. elephant B. telephone C. eleven

( )10.A.student B. show C. second


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. They both like monkeys.

( )2.Jim is in the music room.

( )3.There’s a cat under the table.

( )4.Dad is in the sitting-room.

( )5. They often dance and play basketball after school.


( )1. A. They can skate. B. They have skate shoes. C. They can’t skate.

( )2. A. They like swimming. B. He likes footballs. C. She likes skating.

( )3. A. There are three. B. There’s a pen. C. It’s a pen.

( )4. A. Yes, he can B. Yes, you can. C. No, he can’t.

( )5. A. Mike and Liu Tao can play football. B. Ben and Liu Tao can play basketball.

C. Mike and Ben can play football.


This is Yang Ling. She is my . She reading . She has a lot of books. She likes playing football.



1. one(序数词) 2. too(同义词)

3. hobby(复数) 4. let’s(完全形式)

5. have(第三人称单数) 6. Mike(所有格)

7. three(序数词) 8. drawing(原形)

9. swim(现在分词) 10. doesn’t(完全形式)

二、 单项选择(1'×10=10)

( )1 There is ___________umbrella behind the door. ______ umbrella is nice.

A.an;The B.an; An C. a ; The D. the;An

( )2 He cannot see________ pies at the snack bar.

A.some B.any C. a D.no

( )3 _______ is popular in China.

A.Coffee B. Tea C.Milk D. Juice

( )4 Mike likes________ table tennis. He can________well.

A.playing;play B. .playing;playing C. play;playing D. play;play

( )5 The cakes are too_______. Do you have any soft ones?

A.small B.soft C.hard D.white

( )6 His hobby is ___________.

A.reads books B.reading book C.read books D.reading books

( )7 It has _____legs _______arms.

A.no;and B. some;or C.no;or D.any;or

( )8 There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and __________is thin.

A. the other B. other C. the one D. one

( )9 _________ only four years old, but ______ animal friend is eight.

A. He’s ; his B. He’s; he’s C. She’s; she’s D. She;her

( )10 There ________ some milk in the bowl.

A.is B.are C.has D.have


( ) 1、当你想问“你的爱好是什么?”的时候,应该说 。

A. What is your hobby? B. What do you have? C.Is this your hobby?

( ) 2、别人给你倒的水太烫了,可以说 。

A. It’s too cold. B. It’s too hot. C,It’s just right.

( ) 3、你告诉别人你的动物朋友长着大眼睛,可以说 。

A My animal friend has big eyes. B. My animal friend has big ears.

C.My animal friend has long eyes.

( ) 4、你想问学校有几个电脑教室,可以问 。

A. Are there any computer room in our school?

B.Is the computer room on the first floor?

C.How many computer rooms are there in our school?

( ) 5、你告诉大家你的哥哥喜欢唱歌跳舞,可以说 。

A. My brother likes sing and dance. B.My brother likes singing and dancing.

C.My brother likes singing and dance.


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