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亲爱的小朋友们,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级英语上册第三单元测试卷及答案,大家一起来学习吧!

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(     )1. A. learn           B. lesson          C. listen

(     )2. A. song            B. sign               C. sing

(     )3. A. ski              B. skate              C. skirt

(     )4. A. dance           B. down             C. don’t

(     )5. A. after            B. not                C. hot

(     )6. A. play the game      B. play the guitar       C. play the violin

(     )7. A. make a puppet      B. make a plane        C. make a puzzle

(     )8. A. I can swim.       B. I can’t swim.        C. We can swim.

(     )9.A. Let’s start.         B. Let’s begin.         C. Let’s sing.

(     )10. A. You’re right.      B. All right.            C. You’re wrong.


(     )1. A. Yes, I can.       B. I can’t ski.         C. I can ski.

(     )2. A. Yes.            B. Yes, we are.        C. Yes, I can.

(     )3. A. We can sing ‘Colour song’.    B. We can dance.  C. We can sing.

(     )4. A. He’s Jim.        B. Yes, he is.          C. He’s under the table.

(     )5. A. Me, too.      B. Sure, I can.         C. Oh, dear!


Ben ____________ Helen are _____________.  Ben ___________ ride a __________. He can ___________ a __________ on his _________. ________ Helen ________. She can _________ the piano.



(     )1. basketball     dance   (     )2. music    computer     (     )3. ride       find           (     )4. skate    class

(     )5. sofa       model         (     )6. rabbit    happy


(     )1. The students are __________ a Music lesson.

A. in             B. at             C. on

(     )2. — Listen to me, please.

— ________.

A. OK.     B. Sorry.    C. Yes, I can.

(     )3. He can skate, ______ she can’t.

A. and           B. /               C. but

(     )4. — Can you make a puppet?   — _______

A. Yes, I do.       B. Yes, we can.       C. No, you can’t.

(     )5. They ________ a Music lesson.

A. having            B. are having          C. are have

(     )6. It’s eight ________ in the morning.

A. clock              B. time             C. o’clock

(     )7. The boys can sing _______ song ‘In the classroom’.

A. a                 B. the               C. an

(     )8. — What can your brother do?   — _______

A. I can sing.    B. He can ride a bike.  C. She can take photos.

(     )9. Shall we ________ the song “In the classroom” now?

A. listen     B. learn     C. put

(     )10. Here are some storybooks _______ you.

A. of            B. with         C. for


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