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英语学习在小学生教育中是非常重要的,小学生要从小打好英语学习的基础。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了2016年五年级英语上册第一单元检测卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


第一部分  听力(30分)


(     ) 1.A swing           B soup           C sing

(     ) 2.A arm             B ice            C idea

(     ) 3.A hobby           B heavy          C hole

(     ) 4.A down            B dance          C door

(     )5. A. forest           B. first           C. floor

(     ) 6. A. beside          B. behind         C. between

(     )7. A. soft             B. soup          C. sing

(     )8. horse              B. house         C. mouth

(     )9. A. in your class      B. in your glass   C. in your box

(     ) 10.A play table tennis   B play the violin   C play the piano


(     )                  (     )                (     )

(     )                                 (     )


(     ) 1.A Yes,they are.  B Yes,there are.  C They are some reading rooms.

(     ) 2.A No,it does.      B No,it does’t.        C Yes,he does.

(     ) 3.A. There are three.   B. There are 80.      C. It’s 80.

(     ) 4 A I like watching films.   B He likes drawing.

C He likes his animal friends.

(    ) 5 A He has a book. B I have some books.  C We don’t have any books.


1.  This soup is too cold,that soup is                     .

2.  A: Can you            Tom around?  B:Yes,  Mr  Smith.

3.  A: Are there            rooms on the           floor?  B:Yes , there are.

4.  A:                  music rooms are there in the school?

B:        are        .

5.  My animal friend has two           .

第二部分     笔试(70分)


(    ) 1. A. hard       B. car       C. farm       D. warm

(    ) 2. A. yellow     B. young     C. thirty      D. year

(    ) 3. A. coat       B. clock      C. cow       D. juice

(    ) 4. A. tennis     B. swing      C. dance      D. cap

(    ) 5.A. family     B. black       C. ant       D. watch


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