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( )1. A. parent B. present C. father

( )2. A. clean B. cook C. cinema

( )3. A. wash B. watch C. water

( )4. A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleepy

( )5. A. cook B. book C. look

( )6. A. bus B. busy C. but

( )7. A. sweet B. sweater C. swing

( )8. A. clean the table B. clean the bed C. clean the door

( )9. A. cook breakfast B. cook dinner C. cook lunch

( )10. A. She is helping her mother. B. She is making the bed.

C. She is washing clothes.


( )1. She is eating some chicken in the kitchen.

( )2. My brother is doing housework.

( )3. Tim is in his bedroom.

( )4. Helen is cleaning the table.

( )5. They are watching TV in the sitting room.


( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, I am.

( )2. A. He is jumping. B. She is singing. C. They are dancing.

( )3. A. We like singing. B. We are singing. C. We usually sing.

( )4. A. I need a cup. B. We need some candles.

C. No, thank you.

( )5. A. No, he isn’t. B. They are cleaning the library.

C. Yes, they are.


1. It’s Sunday__________. My mother is in the___________. She is ___________ the ___________. My father is ___________ the floor in the sitting-room.

2. What is your uncle doing?

He is ___________ flowers. How ___ your aunt?

She is___________ ___________. They are very ___________.



( )1. A. cook B. book C. good D. moon

( )2. A. class B. rabbit C. taxi D. apple

( )3. A. chicken B. peach C. school D. chat

( )4. A. who B. where C. which D. when

( )5. A. bus B. busy C. brush D. understand


1. 做早餐____ 2. 整理床铺

3. 看电视 4. 洗碗 _

5. 吃水果 6. grow grapes

7. a busy day 8. help his parents

9. big and sweet _________ 10. go away


( )1. —_______ are you going? —I’m going to the cinema.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. When

( )2. Look, the pests _______ the grapes.

A. is to eat B. is eating C. eat D. are eating

( )3. — ______ is your sister doing ? — She is dancing.

A. What B. Where C. Why D. How

( )4. He wants _______ a film on Sunday.

A. seeing B. see C. sees D. to see

( )5. Tim’s mother always nice breakfast for _______ .

A. cook; him B. cook; he C. cooks; him D. cooks; he


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