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( )1. A. fit B. fits C. pick

( )2. A. take of B. takes off C. take off

( )3. A. shows me B. show me C. show to me

( )4. A. by B. buy C. bye

( )5. A. try on B. tries on C. is trying on

( )6. A. bike B. bus C. taxi

( )7. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes

( )8. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking

( )9. A. later B. late C. letter

( )10. A. hurt B. hers C. hurts


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听录音,根据听到的句子,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)( 10分)

( )1. A. He go to school by bike. B. He goes to school on foot.

C. He goes school on foot.

( )2. A. We are. B. Liu Tao is C. Liu Tao and Tim do.

( )3. A. Because I’m ill. B. Because it’s my birthday today.

C. Because I’m happy.

( )4. A. No, they can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she can’t.

( )5. A. They often go there on foot.

B. They often go for a walk by the lake.

C. They are watching TV at home.


1. Cinderella ______ on the new ________and shoes.

2. My uncle _______ on a big ship. He goes to many _______.

3. Go _______this Moon Street, you can see my house on your ________.

4. She likes_______ sweets, so she ________her teeth twice every day.

5. You________ talk or eat _________.



( )1. near hear ( )2. ship bike

( )3. room mushroom ( )4. peach watch

( )5. dress traffic



( )1. A. bus B. car C. behind D. plane

( )2. A. walk B. bookshop C. shop D. supermarket

( )3. A. feel B. toothache C. stomach ache D. headache

( )4. A. try B. clothes C. shoes D. jacket

( )5. A. ride B. street C. take D. see


1. I go to school on ________.

2. Then turn r________ at the traffic light.

3. Nancy likes riding b_______ in the park.

4. I have a fever, I should ___________ ____ ____________ at home.

5. My grandma is ill. I’ll send him to the ______________.


1. Who__________(help) you with your English?

2. They have to ________(come) home at 11o’clock.

3. Eating too many sweets is bad for _________(we).

4. I have some nice __________ (dress).

5. My grandfather can’t see ________¬¬(something).

6. I want ______________(show) you my new kite.

7. Miss Li __________________(not work) on Saturdays.


1. get off 2. go to the party 3. get there 4. before supper

5. have a good time 6. come back 7. have to 8. it’s time to

1.---Do you do your homework___________?

--- No, I do it after supper.

2. We all ___________ at Ben’s birthday party.

3. The old man can’t find the park. He asks the policeman how to ___________.


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