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听力部分 (35分)

一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

( )1、A、January B、August C、December D、October

( )2、A、spring B、summer C、fall D、winter

( )3、A、Monday B、Saturday C、Thursday D、Tuesday

( )4、A、third B、first C、fourth D、four

( )5、A、swim B、skate C、make a snowman D、sleep

( )6、A、sometimes B、usually C、often D、always

( )7、A、when B、why C、which D、what

( )8、A、doing B、writing C、washing D、talking

( )9、A、date B、day C、birthday D、today

( )10、A 、What do you do on the weekend?

B 、Which season do you like best?

C 、When is your birthday?

D、What are you doing?

二. 根据录音内容判断下列图片或句子是否相符,用√或×表示(10分)

1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( )

6、( ) I usually read books in the morning.

7、 ( ) Today is June 3rd .

8 、( ) My grandma is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

9、 ( ) My uncle’s birthday isn’t in May.

10、( ) Spring is Sarah’s favourite season.


( )1、A. My birthday B. July 9th C. Tuesday

( )2、A. At 7:30. B.I often go hiking. C.I watch TV.

( )3、A. I’m listening to music. B. She’s writing a letter.

C. He is reading a newspaper.

( )4、A. Because it’s cold. B. Because I can swim

C. Because I can fly kites.

( )5、A. It’s October. B. It’s in October. C. It’s sunny.


1. I like ,I can .

2. I often , sometimes I .

3.--- Which season do you like_______? ----__________.

4.---What’s the_____? ---It’s May first.

5.________is your birthday ?

6.My brother is .

7.---Why do you like winter?---__________it’s snowy.


一、 读一读,找出画线部分读音不一致的单词。(5分)

1、( )A、May B、play C、says D、day

2、( )A、bear B、wear C、where D、near

3、( )A、cloud B、group C、coup D、soup

4、( )A、twelfth B、two C、twelve D、twenty

5、( )A、green B、grass C、glue D、great


( )1. summer A、hot B、skate C、cool


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