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小学英语只有多做题,才能取得良好学习效果。威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了小学英语5B第三单元测试卷,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!


Part I Listening 40%

一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容 10%

(   ) 1. A. /wen/         B. /weə/           C. /weɪ/

(   ) 2. A. sign          B. some            C. same

(   ) 3. A. they          B. there            C. their

(   ) 4. A. wait          B. walk            C. work

(   ) 5. A. right          B. write            C. ride

(   ) 6. A. 30 degrees     B. 33 degrees        C. 13 degrees

(   ) 7. A. 3:45          B. 4:15             C. 3:15

(   ) 8. A. cuts out        B. comes out       C. comes in

(   ) 9. A. It was rainy yesterday evening.        B. It was raining yesterday.

C. It was rainy yesterday.

(   ) 10. A. The chair was under the window. Now it’s next to the sofa.

B. The chair was under the cupboard. Now it’s near the sofa.

C. The chair was under the window. Now it’s near the sofa.

二、听录音,选出听到的词的反义词  5%

(   ) 1. A. different         B. beautiful        C. good

(   ) 2. A. empty           B. small           C. hungry

(   ) 3. A. go out           B. go into          C. go back

(   ) 4. A. sleep            B. wake           C. awake

(   ) 5. A. beside           B. near            C. behind


1. (   )              A. Windy.

2. (   )              B. Yes, there are.

3. (   )              C. Yes.

4. (   )              D. Rainy weather.

5. (   )              E. It means ‘We can eat and drink here’.

F. The sign means ‘You can't swim in the pond.’


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