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英语学习起着举足轻重的作用,对于小学生来说,更是一个不容忽视的问题。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了外研版小学五年级下册英语第三单元试卷,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!



一、 听句子,排序号:

What did you eat for your lunch?

(    )       (    )       (     )    (     )     (     )

二、 选出你所听到的单词:

(   ) 1. A. life      B library     C learnt

(   ) 2. A different  B delicious   C. drank

(   ) 3. A. these    B timetable  C. tonight

(   )4. A find       B hard      C card

(   )5. A learnt      B ate       C gave

三、   选出听到的句子:

(     ) 1. A. What did you have for breakfast?

B. What did you have for dinner?

C. What did you have for lunch?

(     ) 2. A. She had fish and chips.

B. She had eggs and sausages.

C. Sam ate six hamburgers

(     ) 3. A. Where are the book about computer, please?

B. Where can you find out about animals?

C. Where can you find out about food?

(     ) 4.  A. Mum bought some apples yesterday.

B. I gave one apple to my dog.

C. I ate three apples last night.

(     ) 5. A Let’s go to the library.

B. Let’s go to the park.

C. Let’s go to school.

四、   听问句,选答句。

(     ) 1.A.Yes, she does.    B. Yes, he does.         C. Yes, he did.

(     ) 2.A. No, you can’t.    B. Yes, here you are.     C. Yes, she did.

(     ) 3.A.No, he didn’t.     B. Yes, he didn’t.         C. We visited Beijing.

(     ) 4.A.Yes,I did.        B. She had sandwiches    C. She went to school..

(     ) 5.A.They’re on shelf C.  B. Under the tree..      C. Last Sunday.


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