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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级英语上学期期末模拟试题,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!

一、补全下列单词并翻译。( 6分)

( )1.k__d A. i B. a C. e( )2.sh____t A. ar B.ir C.il( )3.l_____k A.oo B.ee C.on( )4.stro____g A.n B.u C.e( ) 5.th____r A.ie B.ir C.li( )6.A__stralia A.e B.r C.u

二、按要求写单词。( 16 )

1.aunt(对应词)_________ 2.come(单三形式)_________3.I (宾格) ___________ 4.this( 复数)____________5.we will(缩写)__________ 6.一双鞋(翻译)_________7.she(宾格)_________ 8.children( 单数)_________

三、单项选择( 20分 )

( ) 1.——_________________________?

——Yes ,There is one between the school and the bookstore.

A. Is there a park near here, B. Can I help you?C. How can we get to the park?

( )2.——__________________________?

—She comes from Australia.

A. Is she a Chinese girl. B. Where is he fromC.Where does she come from?

   ( )3.——Is TianShui far from LanZhou?


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