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小学生想要学好英语,做题是最好的办法,威廉希尔app 为大家带来了五年级英语上学期期末复习


A. 判断

1. certainly hers ( ) 2. really seal ( )3. fork work ( ) 4. green coffee ( )5. daughter aunt ( )

B. 四选一

( ) 1. A. hotel B. only C. who D. hello( ) 2.A. best B. tell C. help D. interesting( ) 3. A. late B. and C. at D. bag( ) 4. A. letter B. send C. help D. he( )5.A.patient B. paper C. father D. name( ) 6. A. this B. will C. mine D. it( ) 7. A. big B. activity C. beautiful D. dictionary( ) 8. A.made B. that C. panda D. thank( ) 9. A.zebra B. yes C. very D. bed

二、 用所给词适当形式填空

1. Sue and I ________ (be) good friends.

2. I want ___________(be)a doctor.

3. Everyone ______________(be) happy now.

4. My father __________ ____________(like play) the piano.

5. Is she good at ___________? (China)

6. The singer is ____________ (Alice) mother.

   7. He ______ (put) on his coat and _______ (go) to school every day.


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