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五、火眼金睛 下面每组单词中有一个是不同类的,请选出来,把序号填在题前括号内。(10☆)

(   ) 1. A. kitchen  B. chicken  C. bathroom    D. bedroom

(   ) 2. A. what    B. white    C. where      D. who

(    ) 3. A. table   B. bed   C. chair      D. robot

(    ) 4. A. make    B. wash    C. flat        D. set

(    ) 5. A. chess    B. grass    C. flower    D. forest

六、挑挑选选  单项选择(10☆)

(   ) 1. –Tomorrow is Friday. What day is it today? – It’s _______.

A. Thursday  B. Tuesday   C. Wednesday

(   ) 2. –I like grapes. What __________ you? –Me, too.

A. is         B. are       C. about

(    ) 3. There _______a factory and many buildings in the village.

A. are        B. aren’t     C. is

(    ) 4. There are ________tall buildings in the city.

A. many      B. any       C. a

(    ) 5. There is a nature park ________there.

A. at         B. over      C. in

(    ) 6. He _________a small horse.

A. have   B. has    C. there is

(    ) 7. –_________houses can you see? –Only two.

A. How much  B. How many  C. How

(    ) 8. –Can you set the table? –__________

A. Sure, I can.  B. Yes, I do.  C. No, I don’t.

(    ) 9. –_________ is the nature park? –It’s near the forest.

A. When   B. What   C. Where

(    ) 10. There aren’t _________tall buildings in my village.

A. some   B. any    C. a

A. Yes, it is.

B. It’s near the table.

C. Yes, there is.

D. No, there aren’t..

E. No, I can’t.


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