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一. 写出下列字母的左邻右舍的大小写(用标准手写体书写)。(每个0.5分,计10分)

Ee                Jj                Qq

Tt                   Xx


1. do morning exercises                  2.上课时间,学校

3. hurry up   _________                  4.伤心的__________

5. football team_________                6.咖啡___________

7. catch the ball__________              8.房间__________

9.go to bed___________                   10.博物馆________


( )1  A  run     B  walk     C  play    D goes

( )2  A  tea     B  coffee   C  rice    D milk

( )3. A. bored   B. angry    C. hear    D.happy

( )4  A  shoes   B  hot dog  C  shorts  D hat

( )5. A useful   B kind      C bored    D time


skipped       lost       useful      comes      feeling

boxes          her       when        crayons    drop

1.box(复数形式)  __________      2. skip(一般过去式)_________

3. use(形容词)___________      4. come(第三人称单数)_______

5. feel(现在分词) __________     6.lose(一般过去式)_________

7.win(同音异形词)__________    8.dropped(动词原型)__________

9.she(宾格)_________             10.crayon(复数形式)_________


(   )1. We ______back last Sunday.

A、come       B came      C comes

(  )2. This man is____. He can’t hear.

A、deaf       B、 blind       C、kind

(  )3. There ___ many books on the desk.

A、was        B、is        C、are

(   )4. He can’t ____ the ball well.

A  catch     B  catches   C  caught

(   )5.— Does Daming have lunch at school?

— ______

A  Yes, he is.  B  No, he don’t  C  Yes, he does

(   )6 I didn’t win the game ,I feel _______.

A.bored    B. happy      C.sad

(   )7. I can play football _____.

A.good    B.well     C.bad

(   )8. _________milk do you want?

A. How much    B. How many     C. How

(   )9.This girl is blind. The dog _______ her.

A help     B helps      C helped

(   )10.----________ does your school start?

-----At half past seven.

A What time           B What          C Where


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