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四.  选出下列每组单词中与其它三个不同类的一项。(6分)

(   ) 1.  A. shoes B. dress C. trousers  D.under

(   ) 2.  A. rabbit B. funny C. horse  D.snake

(   ) 3.  A. table B. bed C. box  D.chair

(   ) 4.  A. teacher B. sister C. singer  D.policeman

(   ) 5.  A. cute B. clever C. desk  D.scary

(   ) 6. A. post office B. window C. train station  D.bus stop

五.   选择下列单词中,划线部分发音不同的单词。(6分)

(    )1. A. whale      B.wheat       C.wheel       D.vet

(    )2. A. mother     B.brother     C.think       D.weather

(    )3. A. tea        B.read        C.easy        D.sweater

(    )4. A. fish       B.kick        C.like        D.big

(    )5. A. cap        B.star        C.farm        D.park

(    )6. A. girl       B. card       C.shirt       D.nurse

六.   选择正确的答语,将字母序号写在括号里。(6分)

(    ) 1. What does he do?       A.He is a doctor.    B.She is a doctor.

(    ) 2. Do you like pandas?     A. Yes, I can.       B. Yes, I do.

(    ) 3.How much are the shoes?    A. It’s 30 yuan.     B. They’re 30 yuan.

(    ) 4. What size do you like?    A. Blue ,please.     B. Small ,please.

(    ) 5. Is the cap             ?-- No, it’s on the desk.

A. on the desk.      B. on the floor.

(    ) 6. Is there a  post office near here?

A. Yes ,there is     B. Yes it is.


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