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Part 2   Reading and Writing   60分


how do i get to ocean world     walk along green road



37.  work      walk   (    )        38.  orange   cage     (    )

39.  sheep     bed      (    )       40.  piece     please     (    )


(    ) 41. Turn left ______ the first crossing. The zoo is next ______ the hotel.

A. on… in        B. at…to          C. on…to

(    ) 42. The Wangs ______ the restaurant in the park. They are hungry.

A. is looking for    B. are looking    C. are looking for

(    ) 43. The naughty monkeys make ______ laugh.

A. we           B. us              C. our

(    ) 44. How many ______ a year do you visit Shanghai?

A. times            B. a time          C. time

(    ) 45. Wild geese change homes ______ every year.

A. second        B. two             C. twice

(    ) 46. ______ are the polka dot slippers?  80 yuan.

A. How          B. How much       C. How many

(    ) 47. What’s wrong _______ you?  I have a toothache.

A. with            B. for              C. about

(    ) 48. What _______ you do? I  ______ smoke.

A. is … can’t        B. mustn’t … must   C. shouldn’t … shouldn’t

(    ) 49. The wind is blowing ______ . The windmill is moving ______ .

A. strongly… slowly  B. slowly….quickly  C. gently … slowly

(    ) 50.The Yangtze River runs ______ Shanghai.

A. into              B. through          C. from


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