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一、根据句意,选择方框中合适的词语填空,每词仅用一次。( 4分,每个空0.5分)

1、Welcome to my school!Look,the art room is on the_____________.

2、Tom is my e-friend.He  _____________Australia.

3、I can play football well,but I am not _____________swimming.

4、What a beautiful house! _______________ three bedrooms in it.

5、A:What does your father do,Su Hai?  B:My father is a doctor.He helps                 .

6、Mike’s dog _______________ and a short tail.

7、Su Yang and I like _____________ Kitty so much.

8、We all                  on Christmas Day.


water,   always,    snows,    comes,    warm,   winter

In         ,         turns to ice.And sometimes it          . So when the winter weather         .We       wear           clothes!

三、单项选择 10分

(     )  1  There aren’t __________ swings in the school. So we can’t play on the swings.

A. some      B. any      C. a

(     )  2  —I’m very thirsty.   —________ some juice for you.

A. Here’s        B. Here’re        C. They’re

(     )  3  It’s too cold outside. You can __________ your coat.

A. put            B. put on          C. take

(     )  4  Look at the cute pig on the farm. It     four legs and a short tail.

A. have          B. has             C. is

(     )  5  Yang Ling often ________to the cinema .

A. go            B. visits           C. goes

(     )  6  What do you usually do         Christmas?

A. on             B. in              C. at

(     )  7  Jack is my e-friend.He is from the US.He speaks _________ .

A.English          B. China          C. Canada

(     )  8  I like drawing in the               .

A. music room     B. art room       C. table tennis room

(     )  9  There are so many cars in the street(街道上). Your mother        go now.

A. can          B.isn’t            C. can’t

(     )  10 When the summer sun comes out.We should carry           .

A. a book         B. a hamburger     C. an umbrella

四、从II栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答句 5分

I                                II

(     ) 1. Are there any songbooks on the piano?   A. They like drawing.

(     ) 2. Where are the pies?               B. Great!Let’s go and play.

(     ) 3. Who is your good friend?     C. They are in the kitchen.

(     ) 4. What do they like doing?        D. Yes, there are.

(     ) 5. Look! There is a swing.               E.At six.

(     ) 6. Let’s go fishing this Sunday.           F. Really?I like nice food.

(     ) 7. It’s Christmas tomorrow.           G. Helen is .

(     ) 8. When do you have dinner?            H. Wait a minute,please.

(     ) 9. My father is a cook.               I. Good  idea!

(     ) 10. Let’s have lessons now.        J. Let’s buy a turkey for it.

五、将下列句子重新排序,组成对话或短文 。(7分)

1. OK,see you this afternoon!       2. Do you like animals?

3.Let’s meet at three thirty pm at school.4. Would you like to go with us?

5.I’m going to watch an animal show with my sister.6.Of course I do.

7.Yes, I’d love to.


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