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聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。威廉希尔app 编辑小学五年级牛津英语期末试卷,以备借鉴。


1..吃面条____________  2.抄写生词 _________ 3.玩电脑游戏___________

4.画幅画  ___________    5.喝水  ___________   6.听音乐___________

7.做家务  ___________     8.扫地  ___________  9.擦窗户___________

10.今天下午 ___________ 11.有空 ___________   12.洗衣服___________

13.弹吉他 ___________ 14.帮我复习英语 __________ 15.寻找___________

16.go  and  join  them  ___________ 17.after  school___________

18.play  with  yo-yos  ___________ 19.read  a   magazine___________

20.sit  on  a  football ___________ 21.jump  on  the  bed___________

22.eat  the  dog’food  ___________  23.cry  and  laugh ___________

24.do  some  washing  ___________25.do  some  cleaning___________

26.be  busy   ___________      27.do  some  cooking___________

28.near  the  hill   ___________    29.a  tin  of  fish___________

30.jump  and  run___________


1.What  do we have for  the  c______     trip?

2.Don’t  wash  the  face  with  your  hands. Use this t_____    .

3.S______   your  trip  things  to  me, please.

4.It’s  cold  .Here’s  a  b______   for  you.

5.I  am  playing table  tennis .W_____  about  you?


(   ) 1. She’s ________ a picture in the study.

A. writing         B. drawing           C. looking

(   ) 2. This is ________ bear. That’s ________ elephant.

A. a; an           B. an; a              C. a; a

(   ) 3. Tom ________ a toy car. Tom’s parents ________ two cars.

A. have; has       B. have; have         C. has; have

(   ) 4. —Are there ________ swings in the garden? Yes, there are.

A. a             B. any               C. one

(   ) 5. Please show ________ how to make the kite.

A. we            B. us                C. our

(   ) 6. — ________ a pumpkin on the desk? No, there isn’t.

A. Is there        B. Are there           C. There is

(   ) 7. Wang Bing is looking ________ his book.

A. at             B. for                C. to

(   ) 8. —What ________ she have? She has a violin.

A. do            B. does               C. has

(   ) 9. —What ________ I doing? Guess! You ________ playing the guitar.

A. am; /          B. /; are               C. am; are

(   ) 10. _______ are they singing? They’re singing in the music room.

A. What          B. Where              C. Who


1.I   have  a  knife. (改为复数)_____________________________

2..Our  school  has  two  computer  rooms.(同义句)

3..They   have  some  peaches.(用she 改写句子)

4.There  are  many  chairs  near  the  tent.


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