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学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了一起五年级英语上册期末试卷,希望对您有所帮助!



(    )1. There ______a bench here before, but there is one now.

A. wasn’t        B. weren’t       C. didn’t

(    )2. Mark can jump very _______. He can play basketball well.

A. fast         B. high         C. well

(    )3. The boy _____ the books ______, he wanted to find The Three Little Pigs.

A. take ... down    B. takes ... down    C. took ...down

(    )4. I’m going to ________ a film with my family at the weekend.

A. see        B.saw        C. looking at

(    )5. She _______speak English then. But now she _______speak.

A. couldn’t, can         B. could, can       C. can’t, could

(    )6. This English supermarket sells many different things_______ China.

A. at          B. to         C. from

(    )7. This big coat is ________. That’s yours.

A. my        B. mine         C. yours

(    )8. I ate some bread and ________ some water this morning.

A. made         B.bought         C. drank

(    )9. In China, we usually finish school _______ 4 o’clock.

A. in          B. on          C. at

(    )10. ---It’s time to have lunch. You should __________.  ---OK.

A. tidy the room      B. wash your hands      C. jump on the bed


1. My _________(邻居) is a kind grandma.

2. Halloween and Easter are English __________(节日).

3. Linda has got some pictures of the Great __________(长城).

4.We can _________ _________(玩得开心) at _____¬¬¬  __(课间休息) time.

5. She __________(喝)some milk every morning.

6. These __________(有用的) dogs can help the __________(失明的) people.

7. I _________(经常) help mum with some housework.


A. 选词填空,将单词的适当形式填入横线上。

Many English supermarkets are big. They_______ different things. They sell food from lots of __________.They also sell clothes, _________and CDs. __________ there are __________ at the supermarkets. Many families go to the supermarkets together.


1 . ---________ _________ run fast?

--- Yes, he can.

2. ---What are we going to do tomorrow?

---We’re ________ ________ ________ _________.

3. A:In the UK, children often sit around tables.

B: In China,  _______ _______ _______ ________.

4. ---Are you sad?

---No, ________ __________.

5. You should _______ _______ with the CDS.


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