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期末考试就要临近了。一提到期末考试,不少同学显得十分紧张。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了小学五年级第一学期英语期末考试卷,希望能够帮助大家更好的复习所学知识。




(    )1. A. house           B. road         C. building           D. city

(    )2. A. flower          B. path          C. park                 D. lake

(    )3. A. mirror          B. closet        C. curtain           D. trash bin

(    )4. A. bedroom       B. kitchen      C. bathroom       D. living room

(    )5. A. cabbage        B. mutton      C. potato            D. eggplant


1.   .   2.    3.      4.       5.

(   )             (   )       (   )             (   )                 (   )


(    )1、A. I’d like some beef .         B. I have chicken and fish.

(    )2、A. No, they aren’t.             B. No, there aren’t.

(    )3、A. We have P.E and art.         B. I like P.E and art.

(    )4、A. It’s behind you.            B. They’re behind you.

(    )5、A. It’s Sunny.                 B. It’s Sunday.



(   )1. A. tasty       B. sour        C. thin         D. salty

(   )2. A. bedroom   B. closet     C. kitchen    D. bathroom

(   )3. A. village     B. tree        C. flower      D. glass

(   )4. A. fish         B. tofu        C. tomato      D. road

(   )5. A. curtain     B. trash bin   C. fresh      D. mirror


(   )1. A. short        B. work            C. horse          D. fork

(   )2. A. doctor       B. forest          C. visitor        D. actor

(   )3. A. whose        B. where           C. who            D. whom

(   )4. A. table        B. make           C. baby            D. wash

(   )5. A.  Sunday      B. computer       C. funny          D. just


(   ) 1. There ____ some beautiful trees in front of our building.

A. have        B. has        C. is        D. are

(   ) 2. --- What's your new music teacher like?

--- _______

A. She likes sports.              B. She is funny.

C. Fish and vegetables.         D. She likes my mother.

(   ) 3. --- What do we have _____ Mondays?

--- We have English, math and P.E.

A. in        B. on        C. for       D. at

(   ) 4. --- What would you like for lunch?

--- I'd like some______.

A. tomato and mutton          B. tomatoes and mutton

C. tomato and muttons        D. tomatoes and muttons

(   ) 5. --- Would you like some _______?

--- Yes, please.

A. grape        B. potatoes        C. carrot        D. green bean

(   ) 6. --- Sarah, dinner is ready, please ______.

--- OK, Mum.

A. do the dishes        B. cook the meals

C. set the table         D. wash the clothes

(   ) 7. There is a mirror _____ the wall.

A. on        B. in        C. over        D. at

(   ) 8. There are no ______ in our village.

A. lake        B. river        C. tall buildings        D. mountain

(   ) 9. I don't like grapes. They're ______.

A. sweet        B. sour        C. fresh        D. yummy

(   ) 10. --- _______is your favourite day?

--- Monday.

A. What        B. How        C. How day        D. Who


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