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一个学期一次的期末考试马上就要开始了,同学们正在进行紧张的复习。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015-2016学年五年级英语期末试题及答案,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。


一听音补全句子,在横线上填入所缺单词。 (每题1分,共5分)

1.You shouldn’t       the books         . I know .Sorry.

2.Look at the pictures of our school. There was a small        before.

3.This man is          . He can’t hear.

4.I won’t go to the park,I’ll         hard.

5.         T-shirt is it ? It’s mine.


(    )1.Yesterday, it was sunny.

(    )2.Lucy couldn’t go out ,She was sad.

(    )3. She was hungry .She ate the bread with her mum.

(    )4. She was very thirsty .So she drank some water.

(    )5.At last, She went to play ,She was very sad.



(   ) 1. In China, we sit        lines.       A. on   B.in    C.around

(   ) 2. There         any benches here before.     A. were   B. weren’t  C. wasn’t

(   ) 3. Yesterday ______team won. They got seventy points. A. them   B. They C. their

(   ) 4. Before have lunch, You should        .  A. tidy the room  B.wash your hands  C. jump on the bed

(   )5.This book is mine. But that is       .       A. your    B. yours     C. you

(   ) 6. Thank you for your help. What       !

A.good a boy   B. a boy good   C. a good boy

(   ) 7. I visited Beijing last week.I was in there      five days. A. at   B. in   C. for

(   ) 8.      is Easter? It’s in spring.      A. Who  B.What C.When

(   ) 9. I have got a(an)       to my friend’s birthday party.  A. E-mail B. letter  C. invitation

(   ) 10. A: Does she usually do her homework at home?  B:        .

A. Yes,she does.    B. Yes, she can.   C. No,she don’t.


1) You should be          (友好的)

2) You can play basketball           (熟练地)

3) After lunch,we’re going to tell          (故事)

4)         (有时)there are restaurants at the supermarkers.

5)  They had a special dog .It _____ (能) find the people.



(    ) 1. What time do you go to bed?          A. We got seventy points.

(    ) 2. Can you swim?                     B. Yes, I am.

(    ) 3.Are you happy?                     C. We’re going to see a film.

(    ) 4. What are you going to do at the party?  D. No, I can’t.

(    ) 5. How many points did we get?         E. At 9 o’clock.

B. 根据图文提示,补全下列句子。(每题2分,共10分)

1.                   .

I can’t carry it.

2. Children go to their neighbours’ houses and ask,

“                ?”

3. In the Uk, children       sit        talbes in class.

4. Mum, Tom is                 .

5. A:What’s this? B:It’s       invitation       my birthday party.


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