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期末考试考查面涵盖很广,刚刚过去的一学期,同学们究竟学得怎么样?学习效果可以通过期末考试来检验。威廉希尔app 小学生频道为大家准备了2015年秋五年级英语上学期期末试卷,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。

期末考试必备五年级上册英语期末试卷 | 五年级上册英语期末复习要点



Cc                                                              Nn

其中        和      是元音字母。


telephone(      )     policeman(        )   far  away (       )

when is new year’s day (         )  it’s in January (         )


do_______  go_______  are_______ eat______  buy_____

take________   see          swim          is




1. when is Teachers’Day?                  A、It’s cool.

2. Did you watch TV yesterday?              B、.Speaking

3. May I speak to Sally, please?              C、May.

4. What is your favorite month?              D、It’s in September.

5. Were you in the bookstore just now?       E、Thank you all the same.

6. What’s your food, kangaroo?                F、Yes, I was.

7. How is the weather in fall?             G、Yes, I did.

8. Sorry,I don’t know.                   H.、Grass.


1.(    )Where are you _______ ?  I’m from China.

A、of  B、from  C、 for

2.(    )I bought a book _______ penguins .

A、of  B、from  C、 on

3.(    )I took a photo _______the cats.

A、for  B、from  C、 about

4.(    )_______ your birthday?  It’s in March.

A、When  B、Where  C、 What

5.(    )Sally _______ Big Ben in this summer holiday?

A、visited  B、went  C、 go

6.(    )---- When is Christmas Day?

---- ________________.

A、It’s in November.   B、It’s in October.     C、It’s in December.

7.(    )Hold_______, please.

A、on  B、in  C、at

8.(    )Please come ______ my birthday party.

9. (    )Yesterday I ate five          .

A、peach   B、a peach   C、peaches

10. (    )We         to Beijing  by plane in 2003.

A、go  B、goes  C、went

11. (    )I      in the zoo and        some penguins.

A、am,saw  B、were, see  C、was, saw

12. (    )You can take a bus at the                    .

A、train station  B、library  C、library stop

13. (    )Women’s Day is in          .

A、March   B、May    C、February.

14. (    )It’s         in December in Fujian.

A、very cold  B、very warm   C、not too cold


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