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尽快地掌握知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的小学五年级上册英语期末检测试卷,希望给您带来启发!

Listening part (听力部分)  40%

Ⅰ、Listen and number(听录音,为图片标上序号)(10%)

Ⅱ、Listen and number(听句子排列顺序) (10%)

1. (    ) young     (    ) active       (    ) strict

2. (    )over       (    ) near        (    ) on

3. (    )cabbages   (    ) fish         (    ) potatoes

4. (    ) bedroom   (    ) kitchen      (    ) living room

5. (    ) lake       (    ) forest       (    ) flower

Ⅲ、Listen and tick or cross(听短文判断对错)10%

1) I’m a teacher.                                   (       )

2) I don’t like Saturdays and Sundays.                (       )

3) I do homework on Saturdays.                     (       )

4) I often do sports and watch TV on Sundays.         (       )

5) My favorite food is mutton.                       (       )

Ⅳ、Listen and choose(听对话,选择正确的答案)  (10%)

1. (    ) A. It’s near the bed.

B. It’s over the bed.

2.(    ) A.I have eggplants, potatoes and fish .

B.I have eggplants, tomatoes and tofu .

3. (    ) A. He is short and thin.

B. He is short and strong.

4. (    ) A. I can cook the meals.

B.I can do the dishes.

5. (    ) A. There is a mirror, an air-conditioner and two end tables.

B. There is a mirror, an air-conditioner and a big closet.


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